s http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1103110 Perfect Sad Poetry : Good night love message for boyfriend

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Good night love message for boyfriend

  • ?s the day turns into night, keep y0ur worries out 0f sight.
    Close your ?yes and go t0 sleep f0r all the good times re yours to keep. Sweetest Dreams.
  • The Night ?s silent but ? can�t sleep.
    May?e because I am waiting f0r my cell phone t0 beep.
    Before ? dream, what I want ?s get your message ?nd read.
  • Good night love message for boyfriend.
    You ?re the reason why ? have sleepless nights.
    You ?re the reason why ? tend to hold my pill0w tight.
    And y0u are the reason ? can�t sleep with0ut saying good night.
  • Good Night sms messages for Girlfriend.
  • Y0u may think that I forgot y8u. You may think that ? don�t care ?nd you may think that I am not thinking 0f you. Well, you�re wrong. Y0u�re still in my dreams.
  • Good night love message for boyfriend.
    It�s a l0vely msg to a lovely person fr0m a lovely friend 0n ? lovely reason at lovely time fr0m a lovely mind ?n a lovely style t0 say y0u good night.
  • somewhere 0ut there beneath the pale m00n light someone think ?n of you some where 0ut there where dreams c0me true� good night ?nd sweet dreams t0 you.
  •  Sweet Good Night sms for Boyfriend.
  • Don't ever give up wen y0u are down..?t doesn't matter if y0u fall many times..just remember that ?ach time y0u fall. It will never let y0u reach the ground..trust me..? will always be around.good night.
  • The star ?re out,the moon is up,0ne more hug,one m0re smile,kiss y0u once,kiss you twice,Now its time f0r bed,Close your eyes ?nd sleep tight. GOOD NIGHT.
  • Always Open y0ur door when y0u are alone,open your heart when y0u sad____?ut don't open y0ur hand when you need a friend,because ? am already holding y0ur hand forever.G00d night.
  • Good night love message for boyfriend.
    "Confidence helps t0 set some ?im.. But, Self Confidence helps t0 achieve that ?im.." So Never l0se self confidence."Good night ... Sweet DR?AMES ! Keep smiling :-)
  • Respect Emotions ?n Some 0ne Heart  Rather Than Expressions 0n Some 1 Face Because Expression ?s Just Formality ?ut Emotions are Reality.
    Good night....Sweet DRE?M.
  • GOD makes 0ur life with Pain ?nd Medicine.
    The 0nly thing is.
    He fixes the Pain ?n our Heart ?nd the Medicine in 0ur beloved ones Heart...G00d night .Sweet dreams.
  • "Sweetest part ?n life is to carry 0ld memories in life,?ut toughs part is that t0 stay away for long time fr0m the person who ?s behind these memories "good night sweet dreams.
  • Have you any message about "Good night love message for boyfriend"? Please leave in Comment Section. Don't forget to share these messages to your family member.

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